Landscape Lesson in One Point Perspective
I am so pleased to share this lesson that I found really successful! Follow these simple steps to teach students how to use One Point Perspective to create 3D landscapes.
Circle Weaving Lesson
I love doing this lesson with lower elementary classes, upper elementary, and have even worked this lesson into some middle school curriculum. It’s a great way to introduce weaving and to continue to grow those fine motor skills. It always turns out BEAUTIFUL! The students are always really proud of the result.

Clay Heart Ornament Lesson
In this project, students will learn about the Native Americans, how to create patterns, have the opportunity to work with clay, and use an art technique called “crayon-watercolor resist.”

Clay Texture Pendants
In this project, students discover the beauty of textures found in a surprising place… on the soles of their shoes! Textures are all around us.
I did this lesson with Kindergarten, but it could be done with any age level! I would even use it with older age levels to test things like glazes on kiln fire clay.
Vincent Van Gogh Sunflowers Lesson
This lesson introduces Vincent Van Gogh to students. But more importantly, this lesson is about kindness. Also, this is an example of how Tempera Paint Sticks are AWESOME!
The Dot: Art Lesson
What’s beautiful about this art lesson, besides that the materials needed are so simple, is that this project really produces two artworks in one!

For this lesson, I want to learn all my student’s names and allow students will use art to express their uniqueness and personality.

How to Draw The Mona Lisa
Who was the The Mona Lisa? How and why has she continued to captivate so many viewers for hundreds of years. Learn more about Leonardo Da Vinci’s creative genius and how he was able to capture her complex existence. This lesson includes how to draw her using graphite pencils. Lots of tips and tricks, including a quick time-lapse video sharing the steps listed in this blog post.

Oil Painting Tutorial | Still Life Painting in 8 Steps
I demonstrate my own process for painting a complex subject, using basic oil painting principles and techniques — and patience. I describe my technique for intensifying colors and re-creating objects as abstract shapes and colors in my photorealistic paintings. Here I share an oil painting tutorial of my process in 8 simple steps.
Marbled Paper Art Lesson
Suminagashi – which translates to “floating ink” is the ancient art of Japanese marbling. This process uses plain paper, water, and ink to transform the paper into something vibrant and colorful.

How To DIY Cyanotypes
A lesson about the history of photography and how to create sunprints while at home.